How to Keep Vegetables fresh longer for best Healthy

How to Keep Vegetables fresh and longer for best Health

best Health
Vegetables are the most important thing for best health. Without fresh vegetables, we cannot keep our bodies healthy. We know that fresh vegetable is the most valuable for healthy life, but it doesn’t stay fresh long lasting. Most of the people want to keep fresh vegetable with the cool temperature. There are many people who keep vegetable in the freeze for the reason of fresh but this kind of vegetable will lose its freshness. Besides, don’t keep vegetable in your house long lasting. Indeed, if you want to keep fresh your vegetable, you can follow bellow-

How to storage your vegetables

As we want to keep fresh vegetable in storage but we don’t know how to keep long lasting fresh it. It is not so difficult for you, just follow several tips. Don’t wash your vegetable before storage it. Keep it natural so that it will not engulf by virus or bacteria. Remember just wash your vegetable, when it will be used. You can keep it in the plastic or poly bags. Don’t cut its leaf, try to get greener. You can keep it in cold store but take time just ten days.
There are many root vegetables in the world such as carrot, turnips and beets. If you want to keep its fresh, you must keep them in a plastic bag. It is the perfect place for this kind of vegetables. Before storage it, you must cut of leafs so that its get proper air for freshness. When you take a poly bag of the plastic bag, you must keep holes several so that it can get moisture properly.
This kind of vegetables is not difficult to keep freshness. Like Brussels, cauliflower and broccoli will need to keep plastic storage so that this kind of curry will get perfect air and refrigerator. They can stay to keep lasting just 5 days for their fresh.
There is some curry which is needed to keep storage. Such as cucumber, artichokes and beans will have to keep storage in plastic and poly bags. If you need to keep their in plastic bags you must hold the bag so that the air will go there freely. But remember they will fresh just 5 days in plastic bags. Another curry is the mushroom, don’t it keep in plastic or poly bags. It is not perfect for this kind of bags. It needs to keep storage towel which helps it to get open air.
If you need to storage of onions and garlic, you must use open place not plastic or poly bags. These kinds of curries need to open air so that the air can circle around them. Onions need to keep fresh hanging tools when garlic need to darkness.
Potatoes are very important vegetables for everyone. It is very delicious to it about all curries. But it is seasonal vegetables so it needs to keep storage. It is perfect to storage in cool storage. Open air or plastic are not perfect for storage of potatoes.

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