·         GENES: Obesity tends to run in families, implying genetic factors. The search from “Obesity gene: is however complicated by the fact that families also share earing and life style habits, making it difficult to separate genetic parse from behavior. However, studies of adopted children indicate that genetic and heredity does play a role. Adopted children tend to develop weight problems similar to their biological, rather than adoptive, parent. This pattern may also be one of the causes of eating, disorder in overweight children of slender adoptive parents.

  • ·         ENVIRONMENT CONSIDERATIONS: this point has been hammered into us with such frequency that we hardly hear it anymore. In cultures where people eat high fat diet and get regular exercise category.

  •   PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS: Psychological factors and behavior al problems many cause people to gain weight. Many people eat when they’re stressed bored or angry. Over time the association between an emotion and food; can lead to obesity and these are leading causes of disorders. Indeed most to behavioral or psychological difficulties.

  • ·         PHYSICAL CAUSES: Physical disorder can lead to over eating or interfere with the body’s mechanism that regulates colorie use. Condition such as Neurological damage can also interfere with proper colorie intake especially if the hypothalamus which regulates appetite, is damaged. Physical causes for obesity should always be condemned play a role in obesity. If leptin production is hindered, he fact cell are unable to signal that they’re full, and weight gain occurs.

  • ·         MEDICATION: Certain medication can also cause unwanted weight, steroid medication are common culprit and some antidepressant also list weight as a potential side effect.
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