all probably have heard of the amazing and almost incredible story of oneOlajumoke Orisaguna, the Agege bread hawker who is on her way to super stardom.Her story resembled your typical Cinderella rags to riches fairy tale.
is the story. The award-winning musician, song writer and photographer TY Bello
was in a photo shoot with the international music star Tinie Tempah on a
street in Lagos when Jumoke ‘hawked’ into the set. She was hawking her a Agege
bread when she was spotted.
one who never misses an opportunity to tell a story, TY Bello weaved the bread
seller-pop star narrative that has set Jumoke on the path to greatness.
are ten lessons we can all learn from the bread seller turned super model
Jumoke on the cover of ThisDay Style magazine
The race is not to the swift:
that timeless Christian scripture told us that ”the race is not to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong”. The rags to glory story of Olajumoke Ajaguna has
confirmed the holy maxim. We all know the struggle to grace the cover of
fashion magazines by aspiring models.
all know how wannabe models would give an arm to strut the runway. But here was
Jumoke the bread hawker just going about her normal business and fortune finds
her. Sometimes, we just have to live everyday as it comes and just do our thing
and hope for luck to break.
Be focused on your game:
On that fateful day when TY Bello was shooting
for Tinie Tempah on Lagos street, Jumoke, the bread hawker was hawking as
usual. For her, it was just another day. Come or rain or sunshine, she must
hawk not just for survival but as a routine.She was focused on her game. See
how it has paid off.
prepared for the opportunity and when it comes grab it:
When Jumoke
appeared for the photo shoot of her ThisDay Style cover, she did not fret. She
appeared ready for it. Even TY Bello said that Jumoke was a natural, it was as
if she has been doing photo shoot all her life. You see she was prepared when
the opportunity found her.
Never be afraid to take risk:
Jumoke left her village in Ire, Osun State
South West Nigeria to sell bread in Lagos. She travelled all the way. She could
have stayed back in the village and moan about her condition. But she left for
Lagos hoping to eke out a living hawking. Instead doors of opportunity are
opening for her in the modeling world.
not despise your little beginnings:
Do not be ashamed to do anything honest to
make a living. Hawking bread is not the most glamorous of jobs. Yet, Jumoke
hawked bread. You may say she had no choice but to hawk. She could have also be
lazying around the place as many young people are doing today.
is always someone waiting to lift you up:
There is always a God sent. In
Jumoke’s case, it is the super star singer and photographer, TY Bello that has
come to snatch her from the jaws of poverty. Like Christians pray, ask God to
send your divine helper when you need them the most.
hard someone is always watching:
Continue to do your thing. Someone is
watching, someone is waiting. Someone needs your skill. TY Bello was impressed
at how Jumoke balanced the bread perfectly on her head. Horn your skill and be
the best in what you do.
8 Follow your instinct:
Jumoke could have taken another street. She
could have missed TY Bello photo shoot with Tinie Tempah on that fateful day.
She must have probably followed her instinct now she is on her way to success.
Dreams do come true:
Yes, dreams do come true. Like all human beings, Jumoke
must have nursed the ambition of being successful in life. Now she will live
her dream with many doors opening at the same time.
Finally, Lagos is a land of opportunities:
Jumoke’s story has taught us that in
Lagos anything can happen. Lagos is a land of opportunities. Dreams can be made
and dreams can disappear like a candle in the wind.
focus, hard work, dedication and luck, one can achieve one’s heart desires.
wish Jumoke Orisaguna all the best. And thank you TY Bello for making her live
the Lagos dream