Elementary biology has taught that food is the main source of energy to human body. Hence, man has placed more premium on what they eat or let pass through the oesophagus.
In recent times, nutritionists have found a link between what man consumes and their rate or productivity during his daily activities. It is either it propels him to high productivity or triggers his fatigue state.
As a result, one’s diet lifestyle is as much important to your career goals and business growth.
In a country like Nigeria where less consideration is placed on diet, attaching importance to the diet of your employee or co-workers should be considered a company’s policy not just a personal issue.
One phenomenon fast evolving in Nigeria, especially in the corporate world, is taking one or two cups of café before getting down to the day’s work. To some, it is part of their breakfast menu.
The reasons for this trend can be adduced to the fact that Caffeine has been noted to have positive effects on productivity, higher energy level, better alertness and focus and potential to reduce fatigue. Also, a cup of caffeine has the potential to boost your performance in short time due to the suppression of the adenosine in the brain after taking a cup of coffee.
This means taking a cup of coffee every morning is never a bad idea. Since, caffeine tends to have an impact on your sleeping pattern due to the high alertness of the brain, as a result overindulging in taking coffee may result in jitteriness and anxiety, distracting you from work and lead cognitive impairment (lost concentration).
Therefore, consider having a budget for your caffeine intake. It is important to sustain your productivity.
Most of the Millennial and mid-age workers are now obsessed with taking down their sugar level to a very low ebb, without considering its impacts on their alertness and performance at work. As a result, Nutritionists have advised that having a fruit or nut around you to boost your energy during the midday is not a bad habit.
To keep going, your body needs to have 25 grammes of glucose. Anything less than this, your productivity level becomes the victim and any level more than that would also indicate that you won’t able to do much.
Do note that almost anything eats you will surely increase your sugar level.
One of the main concerns of people with a tendency to get obsess is how it will impact their activeness during their daily activities. Surely, their concern is real as obesity kills productivity.
In a recent survey by an American health body, obesity is identified to have been the major cause of employees’ absenteeism and presenteeism (productivity lost during the day due to health complications).
To put this a simple sentence, engaging in unhealthy eating habits would result in losing over 60 percent of your daily productivity.
Just as we are avoiding to get obsessed, going hungry is not a good option either.
To sustain your energy level just make sure you eat healthy, as with hunger you are sure to be less productive and find your tasks more irritable.
Do note that Judge gives harsher sentences when they hungry, as well as people, found work less interesting while thinking about food.
Linking this with other diet habits stated above, you will realise that you need to eat healthy to avoid hunger and obesity. Also, ensure your sugar level is good when you set a limit for the daily caffeine consumption.